Fleet Forward Tour Stop LA: Seminar Presentations Available

A group of people network at a Fleet Forward: the Tour event.

Events like Fleet Forward: the Tour encourage industry collaboration and knowledge exchange through forums and conferences.

Photo: Jerome Pantaleon Photography

In the world of fleet management, never has the time been more ripe for discussing strategy and exchanging knowledge.

Industry collaboration through forums and conferences enhances this exchange, encouraging a culture of continuous innovation and adaptation.

For those who couldn’t make it or would like to revisit specific sessions, the approved presentations from the first stop of Fleet Forward: the Tour, the Port of Los Angeles, are now available for download.

Next Stop: New Jersey

Continuing this idea for collaboration, Fleet Forward: the Tour hits the East Coast on Sept. 10 at the Delta Hotels Somerset, addressing infrastructure insights, solutions for fleet compliance, regulations, and more.

Held in conjunction with NAFA-the Fleet Management Association, the Sept. 10 tour stop agenda includes seminars, tabletop exhibits, networking, lunch, and a vehicle ride and drive. See who else is in the lineup so far and register for the event.

This year, the Tour consists of a West and East Coast event. The first stop convened in the Port of Los Angeles, CA, on June 12, and the second Tour stop will be in Somerset, N.J., on Sept. 10.

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