Using a travel credit card is a good way to save money on any type of trip, but these cards are especially useful when going abroad. International vacations normally cost a lot more than domestic trips, so they can be harder on your budget. The right travel card makes it all much more affordable.
Not every card works well for international travel, though. To find the best travel card, make sure to get one that has the following perks.
1. Points you can redeem for your airfare or hotel
Airfare and accommodations are usually two of the biggest travel costs. Long-haul flights can easily cost over $1,000, and quality hotels in major cities often start at $150 to $200 per night. If you can pay for one or both of those with travel points, you won’t need to spend nearly as much.
Don’t get a travel card with rewards you can’t use. For example, a Southwest Airlines credit card could seem like a match if you like that airline. But if you’re planning to go to Europe, it wouldn’t help you, because Southwest doesn’t fly there.
The best option for most people is to get a travel card in a credit card rewards program instead of one tied to an airline or hotel. These programs have travel portals you can use to book flights, hotels, and other types of travel with your points. They also let you transfer your points to airlines and hotels. You can do this with cards in the following rewards programs:
- Chase Ultimate Rewards
- American Express Membership Rewards
- Capital One Venture Rewards
- Citi ThankYou Rewards
2. No foreign transaction fee
This is a simple one, but it’s important. Before you travel outside the United States, always make sure you have a credit card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees.
Many credit cards charge a fee for any international transactions you make. The most common amount is 3%, meaning every $1,000 in spending would have an extra $30 in fees attached. Most travel cards don’t charge this type of fee, but a few do. You can find out by checking a card’s pricing and terms.
3. Bonus rewards on dining
You’ll probably be dining out every day on your trip. Most people don’t like to cook on vacation. Even if you do, part of the fun of visiting another country is trying the local foods.
A credit card with bonus dining rewards is a good way to earn more points on your vacation. Lots of travel cards have this benefit, with some earning 3 points per $1 or more when you go out to eat. If you spend $2,000 at restaurants, that could earn you 6,000 points or more to use for your next trip.
4. Airport lounge access
Premium credit cards often include free access to certain types of airport lounges. The type of lounge access I see most often is a Priority Pass membership. The Priority Pass program has airport lounges in over 600 cities around the world.
For domestic travel, lounge access can be nice, but it’s not always useful. Lounges get crowded, and if you don’t arrive at the airport early, you might not even have time to visit one before your flight.
It’s a much more valuable benefit during international travel. You’ll need to get to the airport earlier anyway; the standard airline recommendation is to arrive three hours before international flights.
You might also find that lounge quality is better outside the United States. For instance, some travelers with Priority Pass memberships say they find its international lounges better than its U.S. lounges.
Finding a credit card for international travel
With so many travel cards available, it can be tough to pick one. At a minimum, you should look for a card with rewards you’ll be able to easily use and no foreign transaction fee, as those perks will save you money on your trip. Bonus points on dining is another helpful benefit to maximize your rewards earnings. And if the card you get also includes airport lounge access, that could make the air travel experience more enjoyable.